Get Involved
We want our tenants to get involved with Glen Housing Association – to be part of our work and the decisions that affect you. There are several ways for you to participate in our work, aside from joining the Board of Management:
Tenant scrutiny group
This is a group of tenants who determine their service area priorities, their needs and the type of activities they, as tenants, would want to be involved in to assess our performance in these areas. If you think this is something you would like to be involved in, please get in touch.
Telephone: 01592 621188
Tenant participation
This is a two-way process, involving the sharing of information and ideas, with tenants able to influence decisions, monitor levels of service and take part in matters which affect the quality of their lives.
Tenant participation
This is a two-way process, involving the sharing of information and ideas, with tenants able to influence decisions, monitor levels of service and take part in matters which affect the quality of their lives.
General Feedback
All we ask is that you:
Respond to consultation publications on issues such as rent increases and policy reviews.
Respond to postal and telephone surveys on service delivery.
Attend meetings/events and Annual General Meetings.
Provide feedback, good or bad, on our work in general.