Paying your rent
Your rent is due monthly, in advance, on the 1st of each month. We offer a range of options to pay so you can choose the one best suited to you:
Bankers Order – contact the office for a form which you then take or post to your bank or building society.
By Phone – using your debit/credit card, call our office on 01592 621188 during office opening hours
In person – call into either of our offices during opening hours where you can pay by debit/credit card or cheque
Rent Book – take your rent pay-in book with payment to any Royal Bank of Scotland branch
Online banking – if you have this facility with your bank account, please contact the office for our bank details and remember to state your Tenant Reference on all payments.
If you are experiencing problems with regard to your rent payments or facing a change of circumstances which could affect your income, the Association would strongly recommend that you contact us as soon as possible so we can advise you of any support that may be available. Depending on your circumstances, you may be entitled to assistance with rent payment through Universal Credit or Housing Benefit. Our Housing Team can advise you of what benefit you may be entitled to.
If you are experiencing other financial difficulties our Housing Team will be happy to assist you. Alternately, you may wish to seek assistance direct from Citizens Advice & Rights Fife. You can contact them by:
Telephone: 0345 140 0095
Additional Support